FE | Risk Minimisation Patient

Meetings & webinars

What's new, what's important in heavy menstrual bleeding and menopause

Recorded webinars - What's new, what's important in heavy menstrual bleeding and menopause

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Recorded October 14 2020 | 7.00pm - 8.30pm


What’s new, what’s important?


Heavy Menstrual Bleeding


Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)


Ask the expert panel


  • Your questions answered


Full programme


These promotional meetings are organized and fully funded by Bayer.


Dr Sarah Gray


GP specialist in Women’s Health Cornwall

Dr Sarah Gray

Sarah Gray has spent over 30 years delivering Women’s Health in Primary Care settings. She ran an NHS menopause referral clinic for 15 years until this was decommissioned to save funding costs in 2016. She now provides support to GP practices in Cornwall, but most clinical work has moved to the private sector.


Sarah was a British Menopause Society Council Member for 10 years. She helped to develop NICE guidance and quality standards for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding. Currently she provides clinical governance to the public heath arm of Cornwall Council, is a director of the Primary Care Women’s Health Forum and a Training Program Director for the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health.


Dr Diana Mansour


Consultant in Community Gynaecology and Reproductive Health Care, FSRH Senior Vice President. Newcastle Hospitals, United Kingdom.

Dr Diana Mansour

Dr Diana Mansour is a Consultant in Community Gynaecology and Reproductive Health Care and Associate Clinical Lecturer at the University of Newcastle since 1997. In addition Dr Mansour is the Senior Vice President for the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare.


Dr Mansour was the first accredited subspecialty trainee in Community Gynaecology and Reproductive Health Care of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Dr Mansour is first author to over 90 peer-reviewed publications and has most recently published in Contraception and the BMJ SRH.


Dr Mansour’s areas of expertise include acceptability of contraceptive methods, non-contraceptive benefits of contraception, development of long-term methods of contraception, changes in health service provision, medical management of menstrual disorders and management of the menopause.


Watch now (Part 1) Watch now (Part 2)

Recorded October 14 2020 | 7.00pm - 8.30pm