FE | Risk Minimisation Patient

Meetings & webinars

Increasing access to LARC

Recorded webinars - Increasing access to LARC

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Recorded September 30 2020 | 7.00pm - 8.30pm


Increasing LARC – Making it work


  • Understand how collaborative working fits into the NHS long term plan
  • Current environment – delivering holistic women’s healthcare across the reproductive age
  • Understanding the new PHE indicator for LARC provision


Northern Ireland Federation Model to increase access to LARC


Commissioning via Primary Care Networks to improve access to LARC


Full programme


These promotional meetings are organized and fully funded by Bayer.


Dr Anne Connolly


GPSI gynaecology, CCG Board lead for maternity, children and young people NHS Bradford

Dr Anne Connolly

Having survived a two year posting to a mission hospital in rural Zimbabwe, Anne returned to General Practice in inner-city Bradford in 1990 and is currently working as a GP providing care for asylum seekers, refugees, homeless and sex workers.


She is a GPSI in gynaecology, accredited as a hysteroscopist and FSRH trainer. She has been involved with commissioning since 2006 with remit for maternity, women’s, children and young people’s healthcare.


Anne is chair of the PCWHF and RCGP Clinical Champion for Women’s Health. She is also co-editor of Women’s Health in Primary Care.


Dr Ursula Mason


Elective Care Lead for Gynaecology, Eastern Federations Belfast

Dr Ursula Mason

Dr Ursula Mason is a GP in Carryduff, a suburban practice close to Belfast. She has interests in women’s health, prescribing and education. In 2017 Dr Mason became involved in the design and set up of primary care gynaecology clinics within Belfast. Since then these successful clinics have rolled out to other areas in Northern Ireland delivering clinical capacity, peer support and training to primary care colleagues


Mr James Woolgar


Local Authority Commissioner Liverpool

Mr James Woolgar

As the commissioning lead for Sexual Health for Liverpool, I have a wealth of experience working at a local, regional and now national level. I am responsible for designing and commissioning a wide range of services and for leading a series of programmes and strategic groups to address sexual ill-health. I have developed excellent relationships with providers in order to improve the way we deliver services and achieve better quality outcomes for patients and the wider population.


I am Chair of the Liverpool Sexual Health Strategic Network which is developing a new sexual health strategy for the city, and am leading the work on Liverpool’s HIV and AIDS Eradication Plan and led on Liverpool’s recent bid to declare itself a HIV Fast Track City.


I have led on a number of redesign and integration programmes and have recently presented at the English HIV & Sexual Health Commissioners Group (EHSHCG) to highlight a new approach to LARC in Primary Care which was developed to improve the local provision offered through Pharmacies and GPs.


I am committed to developing sexual health services for the people that we serve and now have the privilege of representing the North of England on the English HIV & Sexual Health Commissioners Group (EHSHCG) nationally.


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Recorded September 30 2020 | 7.00pm - 8.30pm