FE | Risk Minimisation Patient

Product information

YAZ® (Drospirenone/ethinylestradiol)

YAZ® is a modern, low-dose combined oral contraceptive with a 24/4 regimen1

  • YAZ® in a 24/4 regimen with no pill break makes compliance easier for women2,3
  • Contraceptive efficacy is not compromised, even if pill intake is late by up to 24 hours1



YAZ® provides women with benefits beyond contraception


  • Effective for the treatment of moderate acne in women seeking contraception4-10
  • A generally well accepted cycle control with low discontinuation rates due to irregular bleeding11
  • The first COC indicated for the treatment of PMDD in women seeking contraception12-14



YAZ® has been extensively studied in more than 20,000 women4,5,9,11-25


  • The overall safety profile of YAZ is comparable to other COCs15
  • YAZ® is generally well tolerated, with a favorable benefit-risk profile when used as directed4-6,11,15,16
  • YAZ® demonstrated reliable contraceptive effectiveness in a real-world setting, also in adolescent women (<18 years old)26
  • More than 85% of women taking YAZ® are satisfied or very satisfied compared with before treatment11,16,17

Please click here to see the essential information for YAZ®


COC – combined oral contraceptive; PMDD – premenstrual dysphoric disorder

  • YAZ® Summary of Product Characteristics. Return to content
  • Aubeny E, Buhler M, Colau JC et al. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2002;7(3):155–161. Return to content
  • Aubeny E, Buhler M, Colau JC et al. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2004;9(4):267–277. Return to content
  • Koltun W, Lucky AW, Thiboutot D et al. Contraception 2008;77(4):249–256. Return to content
  • Maloney JM, Dietze P Jr, Watson O et al. Obstet Gynecol 2008;112(4):773–781. Return to content
  • Lucky AW, Koltun W, Thiboutot D et al. Cutis 2008;82(2):143–150. Return to content
  • Maloney JM, Dietze P Jr, Watson O et al. J Drugs Dermatol 2009;8(9):837–844. Return to content
  • Koltun W, Maloney JM, Marr Jet al. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Re prod Biol 2011;155(2):171–175. Return to content
  • Zhang GY, Lin T, Sun QN et al. Chin J Dermatol 2015;48(2):85–89. Return to content
  • Marr J, Huang Z, Wang Bet al. Contraception 2015;6:95–104. Return to content
  • Bachmann G, Sulak PJ, Sampson-Landers C et al. Contraception 2004;70(3):191–198. Return to content
  • Fu Y, Mi w, Li L et al. Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi 2014;49(7):506–509. Return to content
  • Pearlstein TB, Bachmann GA, Zacur HA et al. Contraception 2005;72(6):414–421. Return to content
  • Yonkers KA, Brown C, Pearlstein TB et al. Obstet Gynecol 2005;106(3):492–501. Return to content
  • Klipping C and Marr J. Contraception 2005;71(6):409–416. Return to content
  • Hernadi L, Marr J, Trummer D et al. Contraception 2009;80(1):18–24. Return to content
  • Anttila L, Kunz M, and Marr J. Contraception 2009;80(5):445–451. Return to content
  • Caiyan w, Wen D, Qinping L et al. Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi 2014;49(5):355–359. Return to content
  • Klipping C, Ouijkers I, Trummer O et al. Contraception 2008;78(1):16–25 plus erratum Contraception 2008;78(4):350. Return to content
  • Bitzer J, Banal-Silao MJ, Ahrendt HJ et al. Int J Womens Health 2015;7:501–509. Return to content
  • Momoeda M, Hayakawa M, Shimazaki Y et al. Int J Womens Health 2014;6:989–998. Return to content
  • Dinger J, Minh TO, Bultmann N et al. Obstet Gynecol 2011;117(1):33–40 Return to content
  • Dinger J, Heinemann LA, and Kuhl-Habich D. Contraception 2007;75(5):344–354. Return to content
  • Dinger J, Mohner S and Heinemann K. Contraception 2016;93(5):378–385. Return to content
  • Dinger J, Bardenheuer K and Heinemann K. Contraception 2014;89(4):253–263. Return to content
  • Dinger J. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2011;37(2):118. Return to content