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Product information

Kyleena® (Levonorgestrel)


Kyleena®: a low-dose, highly effective IUS with up to 5 years of contraception1

Independent of age and parity, Kyleena® provides reliable contraception with a 5-year Pearl Index of 0.291,2


  • More than 99% efficacy for each year of use*1


Kyleena® offers a low and consistent level of LNG compared with standard COCs3



Average LNG release rate over the first year: 12.6 µg/24h1


Kyleena®: the lowest hormone exposure compared with any non-IUS hormonal birth control method such as pills, rings or implants3,4

  • The failure rate was approximately 0.2% at 1 year and the cumulative failure rate was approximately 1.4% at 5 years.11 Return to content

BC – birth control; COC – combined oral contraceptive; IUS – intrauterine system; LNG – levonorgestrel

  • Kyleena® Summary of Product Characteristics. Return to content
  • Gemzell-Danielsson K, Apter D, Dermout S et al. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2017;210:22–28. Return to content
  • Reinecke I, Hofmann B, Mesic E et al. J Clin Pharmacol 2018;58(12):1639–1654. Return to content
  • Nelson AL. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol 2017;10(8):833–842. Return to content

Kyleena® has a different mechanism of action compared to the pill

Kyleena® is inserted into the uterine cavity, where it releases low levels of LNG for up to 5 years1


As a result, systemic exposure to LNG is low when compared to other LNG-containing contraceptives1,2


With Kyleena®, the natural hormone production of women is unaffected and ovarian function remains normal1


FSH – follicle-stimulating hormone; IUD – intrauterine device; LH – luteinizing hormone; LNG – levonorgestrel; LNG-IUS – levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system; OC – oral contraceptive; POP – progestogen-only pill


Kyleena® is associated with lighter, shorter and less frequent bleeding over time.1

After the adaptation phase, women are likely to have a gradual reduction in the amount and number of days of bleeding each month.1


Some women eventually find that bleeding stops altogether,2 with 23% experiencing amenorrhea at the end of Year 5.1

For women who want a low-dose contraceptive with shorter, lighter bleeding, consider Kyleena®1


Counselling women is essential during the first few months after Kyleena® placement

Initial increases in bleeding as the endometrium adjusts to Kyleena® decline after Month 1.1,2

Recommend MyIUS at the time of Kyleena® prescription to help women track their bleeding profile


More information


* Phase III data were analyzed according to previous contraceptive use (N=1,452).1

† For example: birth control patch or birth control ring.

‡ Other than cooper-IUDs, for example barrier methods and fertility awareness-based methods.


IUD – intrauterine device; IUS – intrauterine system; LNG – levonorgestrel; OC – oral contraceptive

  • Beckert V, Ahlers C, Frenz A-K, et al. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2019;24(4):251–259. Return to content
  • Kyleena® Summary of Product Characteristics. Return to content

Kyleena® uses the smallest T-body and the narrowest placement tube available in a 5-year IUS1,2

Kyleena Satisfaction Study


Results from the Kyleena® Satisfaction Study (KYSS) recently showed that:3


  • ~90% of healthcare professional considered Kyleena® placements as ‘easy’, regardless of parity


  • Most women experienced none or mild pain associated with Kyleena® placement, regardless of parity


More information

IUS – intrauterine system; LNG-IUS – levonorgestrel-release intrauterine system


Kyleena® is suitable for women who want a fast return to normal fertility after stopping contraception1

Kyleena® does not impact future fertility – women return to their normal fertility upon removal.1


68% of women think that a fast return to their usual fertility after stopping contraception is important.2


More information
  • Kyleena® Summary of Product Characteristics. Return to content
  • Merki-Feld GS, Caetano C, Porz TC et al. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2018;23(3):183–193 Return to content

Kyleena® is associated with high rates of user satisfaction1

In a Phase III study enrolling nulliparous and parous women (18–35 years old):1


  • 99.1% of women reported that they were ‘very satisfied’ or ‘somewhat satisfied’ with Kyleena® after 5 years of use1
  • 85.1% of women stated that they would continue with Kyleena® after study completion, if given the choice1


More information


Women’s main reasons for choosing Kyleena®:2


User satisfaction
More information

LNG-IUS – levonorgestrel-release intrauterine system

  • Gemzell-Danielsson K, Apter D, Dermout S et al. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2017;2010:22–28. Return to content
  • Beckert V, Aqua K, Bechtel C et al. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2020;25(3)182–189. Return to content

Choose the IUS that best meets her needs

13.5 mg intrauterine delivery system (levonorgestrel)
19.5 mg intrauterine delivery system (levonorgestrel)
52 mg intrauterine delivery system (levonorgestrel)
Indication Contraception for up to 3 years Contraception for up to 5 years Contraception for up to 5 years Treatement of HMB for up to 5 years endometrial protection during HRT for 4 years
Pearl Index (efficacy) Year 1:0.41
3-years: 0:33
Year 1: 0.16
5-years: 0.29
Year 1: 0.2
Years 5: 0.144
Contraceptive failure rate 0.4% at 1 year
0.9% over 3 years
0.2% at 1 year
1.4% over 5 years
0.2% at 1 year
0.7% over 5 years
Total levonorgestrel (LNG) content (mg) 13.5 19.5 52
Average in vivo LNG release rate over the first year of use 8 μg/24 hours 12.6 μg/24 hours2 20 μg/24 hours
% of women experiencing amenorrhoea and infrequent bleeding at 1 year post insertion Amenorrhoea: 6%
infrequent bleeding: 20%
Amenorrhoea: 12%
infrequent bleeding: 26%
Amenorrhoea: 16%
infrequent bleeding: 57%
T-frame size (mm) 28 × 30 28 × 30 32 × 324
Placement tube diameter size (mm) 3.8 3.8 4.4
Colour of monofilament threads Brown Blue Brown
Differentiator in imaging techniques:silver ring Improved visibility on ultrasound Improved visibility on ultrasound -

Follow the links to learn how Mirena® and Kyleena® can benefit women in your clinical practice.

Please click here to see the essential information for Kyleena®


HMB – heavy menstrual bleeding; HRT – hormone therapy

Kyleena®: Frequently asked questions

Below you will find answers to some commonly asked questions about Kyleena®. These will support you when discussing Kyleena® with women seeking contraception in your clinical practice.

    Kyleena® should be inserted before the end of the month stated on the carton and the blister after ‘EXP:’. The sterile package in which Kyleena® is supplied must not be opened until required for placement. Kyleena® should not be used if the seal of the sterile package is broken or appears compromised. Strict aseptic techniques should be used throughout the placement procedure. Kyleena® is for single use only and should not be resterilised.1


    Kyleena® (19.5 mg intrauterine delivery system levonorgestrel) is an intrauterine system indicated as a contraceptive for the prevention of pregnancy for up to 5 years.1


    Kyleena® offers more than 99% contraceptive efficacy for each year of use and supports women who fear an unintended pregnancy by providing reliable contraception, regardless of age and parity.1,2


    In a multicentre study, a survey showed that 48% of women aged 18–44 and, in particular, 57% of young women aged 18–24 forgot to take their contraceptive pill in the last 3 months.3 Kyleena® can be beneficial for women who struggle to comply with daily pill regimens, offering long-term contraception that suits their needs.1,3


    In the same survey, 87% of women mentioned that a method not requiring daily, weekly or monthly dosing would make things easier and 80% would consider switching contraceptives to minimize estrogen exposure.3 Kyleena® is estrogen-free and offers the lowest hormone exposure compared with any non-IUS hormonal BC method such as pills, rings or implants.1,4,5


    BC – birth control; IUS – intrauterine system

    • Kyleena® Summary of Product Characteristics. Return to content
    • Gemzell-Danielsson K, Apter D, Dermout S et al. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2017;210:22–28. Return to content
    • Hooper DJ. Clin Drug Investig 2010;30(11):749–763. Return to content
    • Reinecke I, Hofmann B, Mesic E et al. J Clin Pharmacol 2018;58(12):1639–1654. Return to content
    • Nelson AL. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol 2017;10(8):833–842. Return to content

    Kyleena® should be inserted into the uterine cavity during the first seven days of the menstrual cycle or immediately after a first-trimester abortion. Backup contraception is not needed when Kyleena® is inserted as directed.1

    The removal threads of Kyleena® are contained within the placement tube and handle. While this design allows you to load Kyleena® without handling the threads manually, it also means Kyleena® can only be loaded once.1


    By pushing the slider on the inserter forward, Kyleena® loads into its proper position in the placement tube. Do not move the slider downward at this time, as this may prematurely release the threads of Kyleena®. Once the slider is moved below the mark, Kyleena® cannot be reloaded.1

    No. The clinical development program for Kyleena® did not include trials designed to obtain that indication.1

    In general, there appears to be no deleterious effect on infant growth or development when using any progestogen-only method after 6 weeks postpartum. A levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system does not affect the quantity or quality of breast milk. Small amounts of progestogen (about 0.1% of the levonorgestrel dose) pass into the breast milk in nursing mothers.1

    If a woman wishes to continue using Kyleena®, a new system can be inserted to replace the old one. Removal of the original system should be carried out within 7 days of the onset of menstruation. In this case, no additional protection is required, assuming the woman is experiencing regular menses.1

    Kyleena® has not been associated with weight gain.1


    In one recent study that evaluated the use of Kyleena® over 5 years, the investigators recorded a mean cumulative increase in body weight from baseline of 1.1 kg at Month 36 and 2.2 kg at Month 60/end of 5-year study. The authors noted that this increase was similar to that observed in women using the copper intrauterine device (2.5 kg over 5 years) and the background increase observed in a nationwide study of American women with a mean age of 29.2 years, which recorded an increase of 0.52 kg per year.1

    • Gemzell-Danielsson K, Apter D, Dermout S et al. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2017;2010:22–28. Return to content

    The use of a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine delivery system does not alter the course of future fertility. Upon removal of the intrauterine system, women return to their normal fertility.1