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Product information

Diane-35® (Cyproterone acetate/ethinylestradiol)

Diane-35® - A potent antiandrogenic progestogen for androgen excess1-4

Androgen excess can lead to long-term health issues. Give women the effective treatment they deserve with Diane-35®5-10


  • Diane-35® contains a potent anti-androgenic progestogen (CPA) and provides effective treatment for androgen-related skin conditions11,12


Diane-35® helps to clear skin and gives women living with hirsutism caused by androgen excess new confidence,8,9 all while providing effective cycle control11,13,14


  • Diane-35® helps women take control by improving moderate-to-severe acne11,13-15
  • Diane-35® is an effective treatment for women with androgenic skin conditions of PCOS3,11,16-20
  • Diane-35® has a long, proven history of efficacy for the targeted treatment of seborrhea caused by androgen excess4,11


Diane-35® is trusted by millions of women21


  • When controlling androgen-related skin conditions, Diane-35® provides the added peace of mind of a contraceptive effect3,4,11,13-22
  • Diane-35® offers women the reassurance of an established, long-term safety and tolerability profile1,2,4,11,14,18


moderate-to-severe acne

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CPA – cyproterone acetate; PCOS – polycystic ovary syndrome

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  • Internal calculation: Number of cycles of Diane-35® sold globally during 2008–2017 (IMS MIDAS Data from IQVIA) divided by 13 cycles (assuming an average cycle length of 28 days when using Diane-35®, which results in 13 cycles during 365 days): 266.127.302 cycles / 13=20.471.331 women. Source: IQVIA MIDAS, except for NLD(Farminform). FRA(Gers), COL(CloseUp Colombia). Database: CurrentAII, Q 4/17 # Countries on which analysis is based: 57. Return to content
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    Return to content

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